Instead, we wanted to bring a full spice profile to the palate, which is why we age Caribbean rum in bourbon-charred oak barrels right here in our Devon winery. Once it has been aged to perfection, we spice it with a blend of nutmeg, cloves, orange peel and a hint of vanilla.

  • ABV
  • Region
    South West England
  • Country
  • Type
    Spiced Rum

Our Jack Ratt products are named after notorious local smuggler Jack Rattenbury. With this in mind – and given the West Country’s smuggling history, our passion for making the finest, innovative drinks and the growing consumer appetite for aged spirits, spiced rum seemed like the next irresistible challenge for our team of winemakers. The name ‘Lugger Rum’ originates from the name given to the fishing boats that Jack Ratt would have used to smuggle contraband into Lyme Bay in the 18th Century. Fast, agile and often painted black, under the cover of darkness these Luggers were almost impossible to catch.

The perfect serve

Enjoy over ice with your premium mixer of choice.

About this product

  • Gluten free
  • Vegetarian
  • Vegan


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Does contain:

  • Sulphur Dioxide