October in the South West

Our application process

From the initial expression of interest to the ongoing support provided.


Whether you’re a first-time applicant or an experienced pub operator, the following overview outlines our application process. Be your own boss and receive unrivalled support every step of the way. We help to ensure our pub operators are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills for a successful tenancy.

1 . Expression of interest.

The first step to running your own pub!

To begin the process, we ask you to complete our online form (pdf). You'll need to provide your personal details alongside your employment history, relevant hospitality qualifications, references and personal license eligibility. This comprehensive application form allows us to review what current opportunities we have that may be suitable for you - we know how important it is to correctly match a tenant to a property. 

Remember, it isn't all about your qualifications and experience; we value tenants that have the ambition and drive to make their pub a success. So, if you're new to the hospitality industry, don't let this be an off-putting factor. 

2 . Initial interview

As part of our potential partnership, we - of course - want to get to know you.

Once you've completed our online form, you'll be contacted by our tenancy team to arrange an initial interview. We'll ask you about your experiences, motives behind running your own pub, and tell you a little more about our tenancy agreements. This is also a great opportunity for you to address any potential concerns you may have ahead of time. Taking on your own property is a huge responsibility and certainly not a venture you want to enter without a thorough understanding of exactly what it entails. 

3 . Business Plan

Planning for success. 

We ask all our applicants to create a business plan proposal, outlining how they intend to progress the pub in question. Should you need guidance, our business development managers are on hand to support you through the process. In as much detail as possible, you'll cover aspects such as the local market, customer profiles and what you intend to offer. Of course, you'll also need to consider the finances involved with running a pub - is it a viable option for you? 

View our business template (pdf) here. 

4 . Shortlist interview

The final push towards being your own boss.

After receiving your business plan, we move on to the final shortlist interviews. We want to ensure the tenancy is the right fit for you and that you understand the potential risks involved. If you feel there are potential gaps in your ability as a tenant, we can formulate a training plan to ensure these are covered, so experience is certainly not the determining factor. 

5 . Tenancy offer

Let the journey begin!

If successful, you'll receive an offer of tenancy. This will include all the details of the proposed partnership; generally, new tenants will join us on a short-term let of 12 months initially before signing on to our standard three-year agreement. Ensuring you are set up for success, we create our tenancy offers with you in mind. 

6 . Training

Build up your skills, knowledge, and resources before hitting the ground running. 

You'll attend an induction day along with any necessary training days to prepare you for the road ahead. Learn more about the award-winning products we offer and how you can ensure guests will be flooding through your doors. Our St Austell pubs are renowned for being at the very heart of the community, and we'll help you become similarly rooted by continuing to offer support and training throughout your tenancy.

All of our tenants are also required to complete the BII PEAT Pre-entry Awareness Training - a mandatory requirement under the Pub Industry Framework code of practice. 

7 . Run your pub

Open the doors to your new venture.

It's over to you! Once the keys have been handed over, you can begin running your own pub, acting as your own boss. But, you'll continue to receive unrivalled support from our team whenever you need it. After all, we want your pub to be a success and what's more, we want it to be an enjoyable experience for you. 

Whether it's marketing guidance, property maintenance advice or business development support - our industry experts will be on hand to help you overcome any hurdles that come your way. 



The pub industry is one many of us are familiar with, but usually, we see it from the opposite side! Whilst running your own pub is both social and fun, we won’t lie - it also requires long hours, hard work and dedication. Determination is key to your endeavour’s overall success – the rewards, however, certainly make it worthwhile in the long term. 

What other opportunities will you have to take the reins and be your own boss in such a vibrant industry? 

Terminology can get a little confusing if you are new to the industry.

A managed pub is run by a manager that is employed by the pub chain (for example, hired by St Austell Brewery) whilst a tenancy is run independently by an individual. This tenant will handle the day-to-day operations of the property but will not be responsible for the building itself as they pay rent to the landlord.

What about leased and tenanted? These two terms are often used interchangeably, however, there are some key differences you should be aware of. A tenancy is a short-term agreement, normally lasting between three and five years whereas a lease will be anywhere upwards of 10 years. Leasing a property will give you all the responsibility, including maintenance of the building itself however, you will have the option to sell on the goodwill of the business, unlike a tenancy.

A business plan can provide some much-needed direction to your new venture. Yet, writing this plan can be another point of stress and concern as you struggle to know where to even begin.

Check out our business plan template here to help you get started. You’ll also have support from our Business Development Managers to develop this further and create a comprehensive plan to see you thrive.

Most tenants will initially join us on a 12-month agreement before transferring onto a standard three-year contract, covered by the Landlord and Tenant Act (1954).

This first short-term agreement ensures the venture is the right business move for both parties – running a pub is a huge commitment that shouldn’t be entered into lightly, so this 12-month period can ease concerns, particularly if you are new to the industry.

Whilst some experience can certainly be an advantage, it isn’t a deciding factor. We value personal qualities above all else, recognising the determination and passion a tenant needs to thrive in one of our properties.

The rent will usually include the fixture and fittings, stock, glassware, and cutlery but you will be responsible should any of these need repair or replacing.

In essence, you share responsibility for the pub but are not solely accountable for the building’s maintenance. Promising support throughout, we’ll be able to provide guidance should you face any issues with your property.

The cost associated with starting up will vary from pub to pub but understanding the initial expenditure for your chosen property is crucial as it can have significant financial impacts.

Minimise the risk by calculating not only the cost of buying the pub tenancy but also the running costs. You’ll need working capital to cover daily expenses in the first few weeks and, should have realistic expectations set in terms of future profits and expenditure.

Fortunately, you won’t have to do this alone – our Business Development Managers will support you throughout to ensure you’ve built a solid financial plan to see you into the future.

No two pubs are ever the same, and therefore it’s difficult to provide a general profit figure for running a pub. But, on each of our tenancy vacancies, you will find a ballpark figure calculated specifically for the property in question.

Buying a tenancy can have a significant financial impact on you – perhaps you are currently unable to find the deposit or are concerned about committing to the agreement. For the right applicant, we are happy to help with funding.

It’s likely you’ve applied to run a pub before finding that all-important perfect match. You may have an idea of what the property you want to run will look like and how it will operate but finding a suitable venture may be a bit of a waiting game.

A great place to start if you are unsure is to research the area thoroughly to see what pubs are doing well and where you see your vision slotting in. Our Business Development Managers will be on hand to assist you, creating a robust plan to make the pub you choose a firm favourite for visitors and locals alike.

Once you’ve made the decision to take on a tenancy, you may be wondering how long exactly the process will take. When can you expect to open the doors to your pub?

You’ll fill in an initial application form which will then begin your journey to running your own pub. Following this, we’ll ask you to attend a few interviews and create a business plan template to ensure this venture will be beneficial for both parties.

Successful tenants will also be required to complete our pre-entry awareness training. This is an online learning course that will highlight the key responsibilities that you need to be aware of before you sign an agreement with us.

View our full application process here.

If you are concerned there has been in a breach in code of practice, speak to: 

PICA - Pubs Independent Conciliation + Arbitration Service


PIRRS - Pubs Independent Rent Review Scheme 

and make an application.